Retrograde meaning in Hindi

Retrograde is a english word.

Retrograde Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • retrograde = पीछे जाने वाला

    • Usage: Closing primary health centre in the village is a retrograde step.

Retrograde Meaning in Detail

  • retrograde (verb) = move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies

    Synonyms: retrograde

  • retrograde (verb) = move in a direction contrary to the usual one

    Synonyms: retrograde

    • Usage: retrograding planets
  • retrograde (verb) = move back

    Synonyms: retrograde, retreat

    • Usage: The glacier retrogrades
  • retrograde (verb) = go back over

    Synonyms: retrograde, rehash, hash_over

    • Usage: retrograde arguments
  • retrograde (verb) = get worse or fall back to a previous condition

    Synonyms: regress, retrograde, retrogress

  • retrograde (adj) = moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth

    Synonyms: retrograde

  • retrograde (adj) = of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma

    Synonyms: retrograde

  • retrograde (adj) = going from better to worse

    Synonyms: retrograde, retrogressive

  • retrograde (adj) = moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction

    Synonyms: retral, retrograde

  • Other words to learn

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