Rouse meaning in Hindi

Rouse is a english word.

Rouse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rouse = जागना

    • Usage: Their visit roused her from her depression.
    • Usage: She was roused from her sleep by the door bell ringing.
    • Usage: The addition of new syllabus is bound to rouse a lot of contradiction.
  • rouse = उत्तेजित कर

    • Usage: When roused my physics teacher can be quite frightening.
    • Usage: The new law is bound to rouse the members of opposition.

Rouse Meaning in Detail

  • rouse (verb) = become active

    Synonyms: bestir, rouse

    • Usage: He finally bestirred himself
  • rouse (verb) = force or drive out

    Synonyms: rout_out, drive_out, force_out, rouse

    • Usage: The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M.
  • rouse (verb) = cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

    Synonyms: agitate, rouse, turn_on, charge, commove, excite, charge_up

    • Usage: The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks
  • rouse (verb) = cause to become awake or conscious

    Synonyms: awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake_up, arouse

    • Usage: He was roused by the drunken men in the street
    • Usage: Please wake me at 6 AM.
  • Other words to learn

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