Ruff meaning in Hindi

Ruff is a english word.

Ruff Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ruff = रंग बिरंगे पंख

    • Usage: The parrot has a beautiful ruff.

Ruff Meaning in Detail

  • ruff (noun) = an external body part consisting of feathers or hair about the neck of a bird or other animal

    Synonyms: frill, ruff

  • ruff (noun) = a high tight collar

    Synonyms: choker, ruff, ruffle, neck_ruff

  • ruff (noun) = common Eurasian sandpiper; the male has an erectile neck ruff in breeding season

    Synonyms: ruff, Philomachus_pugnax

  • ruff (noun) = (card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit

    Synonyms: ruff, trumping

  • ruff (verb) = play a trump

    Synonyms: trump, ruff

  • Other words to learn

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