Ruffle meaning in Hindi

Ruffle is a english word.

Ruffle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ruffle = हड़बड़ना

    • Usage: She never gets ruffled even under odd circumstances.
  • ruffle = खलबली मचाना

    • Usage: The breeze ruffled the calm waters of the pond.
    • Usage:
  • ruffle = झालर

    • Usage: People used to put wide stiff ruffles on their garments in 16th and 17th centuary.

Ruffle Meaning in Detail

  • ruffle (noun) = a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim

    Synonyms: frill, flounce, ruffle, furbelow

  • ruffle (noun) = a high tight collar

    Synonyms: choker, ruff, ruffle, neck_ruff

  • ruffle (noun) = a noisy fight

    Synonyms: affray, disturbance, fray, ruffle

  • ruffle (verb) = stir up (water) so as to form ripples

    Synonyms: ripple, ruffle, riffle, cockle, undulate

  • ruffle (verb) = trouble or vex

    Synonyms: ruffle

    • Usage: ruffle somebody's composure
  • ruffle (verb) = to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

    Synonyms: tittup, swagger, ruffle, prance, strut, sashay, cock

    • Usage: He struts around like a rooster in a hen house
  • ruffle (verb) = discompose

    Synonyms: ruffle

    • Usage: This play is going to ruffle some people
    • Usage: She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues
  • ruffle (verb) = twitch or flutter

    Synonyms: flick, ruffle, riffle

    • Usage: the paper flicked
  • ruffle (verb) = mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

    Synonyms: shuffle, ruffle, mix

    • Usage: shuffle the cards
  • ruffle (verb) = erect or fluff up

    Synonyms: ruffle, fluff

    • Usage: the bird ruffled its feathers
  • ruffle (verb) = disturb the smoothness of

    Synonyms: ruffle, ruffle_up, rumple, mess_up

    • Usage: ruffle the surface of the water
  • ruffle (verb) = pleat or gather into a ruffle

    Synonyms: ruffle, pleat

    • Usage: ruffle the curtain fabric
  • Other words to learn

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