Rule meaning in Hindi

Rule is a english word.

Rule Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rule = शासन कर

    • Usage: Akbar ruled India for many years.
    • Usage: She doesn't allow herself to be ruled by her emotions.
  • rule = निर्णय कर

    • Usage: The judge ruled in favour of the accused.
    • Usage: The convener of the session ruled the speaker out of order.
  • rule = 3

  • rule = नियम

Rule Meaning in Detail

  • rule (noun) = a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior

    Synonyms: rule, regulation

    • Usage: it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast
    • Usage: short haircuts were the regulation
  • rule (noun) = something regarded as a normative example

    Synonyms: convention, normal, pattern, rule, formula

    • Usage: the convention of not naming the main character
    • Usage: violence is the rule not the exception
    • Usage: his formula for impressing visitors
  • rule (noun) = prescribed guide for conduct or action

    Synonyms: rule, prescript

  • rule (noun) = (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice

    Synonyms: rule, linguistic_rule

  • rule (noun) = a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct

    Synonyms: principle, rule

    • Usage: their principles of composition characterized all their works
  • rule (noun) = the duration of a monarch's or government's power

    Synonyms: rule

    • Usage: during the rule of Elizabeth
  • rule (noun) = dominance or power through legal authority

    Synonyms: dominion, rule

    • Usage: France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa
    • Usage: the rule of Caesar
  • rule (noun) = directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted

    Synonyms: rule

    • Usage: he knew the rules of chess
  • rule (noun) = any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order

    Synonyms: rule

    • Usage: the rule of St. Dominic
  • rule (noun) = a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system

    Synonyms: principle, rule

    • Usage: the principle of the conservation of mass
    • Usage: the principle of jet propulsion
    • Usage: the right-hand rule for inductive fields
  • rule (noun) = (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems

    Synonyms: rule, formula

    • Usage: he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs
    • Usage: he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials
  • rule (noun) = measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

    Synonyms: rule, ruler

  • rule (verb) = exercise authority over; as of nations

    Synonyms: govern, rule

    • Usage: Who is governing the country now?
  • rule (verb) = decide with authority

    Synonyms: rule, decree

    • Usage: The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed
  • rule (verb) = be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

    Synonyms: predominate, dominate, rule, reign, prevail

    • Usage: Money reigns supreme here
    • Usage: Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood
  • rule (verb) = decide on and make a declaration about

    Synonyms: rule, find

    • Usage: find someone guilty
  • rule (verb) = have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac

    Synonyms: rule

  • rule (verb) = mark or draw with a ruler

    Synonyms: rule

    • Usage: rule the margins
  • rule (verb) = keep in check

    Synonyms: rule, harness, rein

    • Usage: rule one's temper
  • Other words to learn

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