Rummage meaning in Hindi

Rummage is a english word.

Rummage Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rummage = खूब तलाश कर

    • Usage: She has rummaged around in the house for garden scissors but could not get it.
  • rummage = खोज

    • Usage: Have a good rummage around for your pet.

Rummage Meaning in Detail

  • rummage (noun) = a jumble of things to be given away

    Synonyms: rummage

  • rummage (noun) = a thorough search for something (often causing disorder or confusion)

    Synonyms: ransacking, rummage

    • Usage: he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis
  • rummage (verb) = search haphazardly

    Synonyms: rummage

    • Usage: We rummaged through the drawers
  • Other words to learn

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