Safety meaning in Hindi

Safety is a english word.

Safety Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • safety = सुरक्षा{शारीरिक}

Safety Meaning in Detail

  • safety (noun) = the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions

    Synonyms: safety

    • Usage: insure the safety of the children
    • Usage: the reciprocal of safety is risk
  • safety (noun) = a safe place

    Synonyms: safety, refuge

    • Usage: He ran to safety
  • safety (noun) = a device designed to prevent injury or accidents

    Synonyms: guard, safety, safety_device

  • safety (noun) = (baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely

    Synonyms: base_hit, safety

  • safety (noun) = contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse

    Synonyms: condom, rubber, safety, safe, prophylactic

  • safety (noun) = a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line

    Synonyms: safety

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