Sap meaning in Hindi

Sap is a english word.

Sap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sap = रस/सार

    • Usage: That medicine is made from sap of Neem tree.
  • sap = मूर्ख

    • Usage: The poor sap never knew that his wife was cheating him.
  • sap = रस [निकालना]

  • sap = अशक्त या दुर्बल होना

    • Usage: As he grew older and older his working power sapped.

Sap Meaning in Detail

  • sap (noun) = a watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant

    Synonyms: sap

  • sap (noun) = a person who lacks good judgment

    Synonyms: fool, sap, saphead, muggins, tomfool

  • sap (noun) = a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people

    Synonyms: blackjack, cosh, sap

  • sap (verb) = deplete

    Synonyms: run_down, exhaust, play_out, sap, tire

    • Usage: exhaust one's savings
    • Usage: We quickly played out our strength
  • sap (verb) = excavate the earth beneath

    Synonyms: sap

  • Other words to learn

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