Sass meaning in Hindi

Sass is a english word.

Sass Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sass = उद्धतता

    • Usage: No one likes her because she shows her sass to everyone.

Sass Meaning in Detail

  • sass (noun) = an impudent or insolent rejoinder

    Synonyms: sass, sassing, backtalk, back_talk, lip, mouth

    • Usage: don't give me any of your sass
  • sass (noun) = a specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups)

    Synonyms: Special_Air_Service, SAS

  • sass (verb) = answer back in an impudent or insolent manner;

    Synonyms: sass

    • Usage: don't sass me!
    • Usage: The teacher punished the students who were sassing all morning
  • Other words to learn

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