Score meaning in Hindi

Score is a english word.

Score Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • score = प्राप्तांक

    • Usage: In the world cup, India's score was not very good.
  • score = अंक

    • Usage: The score of both teams was 250,235.
  • score = स्वरलिपि

    • Usage: Musicians and singers want to see the orchestral score.
  • score = संगीतलेख

    • Usage: The score of Jatin lalit given in the films is very melodious.
  • score = कोड़ी/बीसी

    • Usage: Scores of people were dead in the earthquake.
  • score = खरोंच

    • Usage: The scores of the trees show that these trees should not be cut down.
  • score = अंक बनाना

    • Usage: We need to score 200 runs in 30 overs to win.
  • score = अंक लिखाना

    • Usage: Who's going to score?
  • score = अंक पाना

    • Usage: I scored 98% in the Board examination.
  • score = विजयी होना

    • Usage: The songs of movie of Tall scored an instant success.
  • score = स्वरलिपि तैयार करना

    • Usage: Here is a piece scored for violin, viola and cello.
  • score = खरोंचना

    • Usage: Rocks scored by a Glacier.

Score Meaning in Detail

  • score (noun) = a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)

    Synonyms: mark, grade, score

    • Usage: she made good marks in algebra
    • Usage: grade A milk
    • Usage: what was your score on your homework?
  • score (noun) = a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages

    Synonyms: score, musical_score

    • Usage: he studied the score of the sonata
  • score (noun) = a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: the score was 7 to 0
  • score (noun) = a set of twenty members

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: a score were sent out but only one returned
  • score (noun) = grounds

    Synonyms: score, account

    • Usage: don't do it on my account
    • Usage: the paper was rejected on account of its length
    • Usage: he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful
  • score (noun) = the facts about an actual situation

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: he didn't know the score
  • score (noun) = an amount due (as at a restaurant or bar)

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: add it to my score and I'll settle later
  • score (noun) = a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally)

    Synonyms: score, scotch

  • score (noun) = a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

    Synonyms: grudge, score, grievance

    • Usage: holding a grudge
    • Usage: settling a score
  • score (noun) = the act of scoring in a game or sport

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: the winning score came with less than a minute left to play
  • score (noun) = a seduction culminating in sexual intercourse

    Synonyms: sexual_conquest, score

    • Usage: calling his seduction of the girl a `score' was a typical example of male slang
  • score (verb) = gain points in a game

    Synonyms: score, hit, tally, rack_up

    • Usage: The home team scored many times
    • Usage: He hit a home run
    • Usage: He hit .300 in the past season
  • score (verb) = make small marks into the surface of

    Synonyms: score, nock, mark

    • Usage: score the clay before firing it
  • score (verb) = make underscoring marks

    Synonyms: score, mark

  • score (verb) = write a musical score for

    Synonyms: score

  • score (verb) = induce to have sex

    Synonyms: seduce, score, make

    • Usage: Harry finally seduced Sally
    • Usage: Did you score last night?
    • Usage: Harry made Sally
  • score (verb) = get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance

    Synonyms: score

    • Usage: She scored high on the SAT
    • Usage: He scored a 200
  • score (verb) = assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation

    Synonyms: grade, score, mark

    • Usage: grade tests
    • Usage: score the SAT essays
    • Usage: mark homework
  • Other words to learn

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