Secure meaning in Hindi

Secure is a english word.

Secure Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • secure = प्राप्त कर लेना

    • Usage: She secured 95% marks in board examination.
  • secure = कसकर बाँधना

    • Usage: Secure all the doors and windows before leaving.
  • secure = की रक्षा करना

    • Usage: We should secure our country from foreign attack.
  • secure = सुरक्षित{मानसिक रूप से}

  • secure = निश्चिंत

    • Usage: Chidren need to feel secure.
  • secure = निश्चित

    • Usage: Make a sure investment.
  • secure = सुरक्षित

    • Usage: The strongroom is as secure as we can make it.
  • secure = सुदृढ़

    • Usage: Is that ladder secure?

Secure Meaning in Detail

  • secure (verb) = get by special effort

    Synonyms: procure, secure

    • Usage: He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed
  • secure (verb) = cause to be firmly attached

    Synonyms: fasten, fix, secure

    • Usage: fasten the lock onto the door
    • Usage: she fixed her gaze on the man
  • secure (verb) = assure payment of

    Synonyms: secure

  • secure (verb) = make certain of

    Synonyms: guarantee, ensure, insure, assure, secure

    • Usage: This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us
    • Usage: Preparation will guarantee success!
  • secure (verb) = fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug

    Synonyms: plug, stop_up, secure

    • Usage: plug the hole
    • Usage: stop up the leak
  • secure (verb) = furnish with battens

    Synonyms: batten, batten_down, secure

    • Usage: batten ships
  • secure (adj) = free from fear or doubt; easy in mind

    Synonyms: secure, unafraid, untroubled

    • Usage: he was secure that nothing will be held against him
  • secure (adj) = free from danger or risk

    Synonyms: secure

    • Usage: secure from harm
    • Usage: his fortune was secure
    • Usage: made a secure place for himself in his field
  • secure (adj) = not likely to fail or give way

    Synonyms: secure

    • Usage: the lock was secure
    • Usage: a secure foundation
    • Usage: a secure hold on her wrist
  • secure (adj) = immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

    Synonyms: impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable

    • Usage: an impregnable fortress
    • Usage: fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
    • Usage: a secure telephone connection
  • secure (adj) = financially sound

    Synonyms: dependable, good, safe, secure

    • Usage: a good investment
    • Usage: a secure investment
  • Other words to learn

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