Shamrock meaning in Hindi

Shamrock is a english word.

Shamrock Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • shamrock = तिपतिया

    • Usage: Shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland.

Shamrock Meaning in Detail

  • shamrock (noun) = creeping European clover having white to pink flowers and bright green leaves; naturalized in United States; widely grown for forage

    Synonyms: white_clover, dutch_clover, shamrock, Trifolium_repens

  • shamrock (noun) = Eurasian plant with heart-shaped trifoliate leaves and white purple-veined flowers

    Synonyms: common_wood_sorrel, cuckoo_bread, shamrock, Oxalis_acetosella

  • shamrock (noun) = clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowers; often considered the true or original shamrock

    Synonyms: hop_clover, shamrock, lesser_yellow_trefoil, Trifolium_dubium

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