Shoal meaning in Hindi
Shoal is a english word.Shoal Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
shoal = झुण्ड
- Usage: In the big lake I saw many fishes swimming in shoals.
shoal = रेती
- Usage: The captain was adviced to steer away the ship from the shoals.
Shoal Meaning in Detail
shoal (noun) = a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide
Synonyms: shoal
shoal (noun) = a stretch of shallow water
Synonyms: shoal, shallow
shoal (noun) = a large group of fish
Synonyms: school, shoal
- Usage: a school of small glittering fish swam by
shoal (verb) = make shallow
Synonyms: shallow, shoal
- Usage: The silt shallowed the canal
shoal (verb) = become shallow
Synonyms: shallow, shoal
- Usage: the lake shallowed over time
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