Signature meaning in Hindi

Signature is a english word.

Signature Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • signature = हस्ताक्षर

    • Usage: Signatures are essential on a cheque.

Signature Meaning in Detail

  • signature (noun) = your name written in your own handwriting

    Synonyms: signature

  • signature (noun) = a distinguishing style

    Synonyms: touch, signature

    • Usage: this room needs a woman's touch
  • signature (noun) = a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program

    Synonyms: signature, signature_tune, theme_song

  • signature (noun) = the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key

    Synonyms: key_signature, signature

  • signature (noun) = a sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book

    Synonyms: signature

  • Other words to learn

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