Sluice meaning in Hindi

Sluice is a english word.

Sluice Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sluice = जलद्वार

    • Usage: Opening of the sluice gates led to floods in the nearby villages.

Sluice Meaning in Detail

  • sluice (noun) = conduit that carries a rapid flow of water controlled by a sluicegate

    Synonyms: sluice, sluiceway, penstock

  • sluice (verb) = pour as if from a sluice

    Synonyms: sluice, sluice_down

    • Usage: An aggressive tide sluiced across the barrier reef
  • sluice (verb) = irrigate with water from a sluice

    Synonyms: sluice, flush

    • Usage: sluice the earth
  • sluice (verb) = transport in or send down a sluice

    Synonyms: sluice

    • Usage: sluice logs
  • sluice (verb) = draw through a sluice

    Synonyms: sluice

    • Usage: sluice water
  • Other words to learn

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