Slur meaning in Hindi

Slur is a english word.

Slur Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slur = कलंक लगना

    • Usage: Traitor quisling slurred the image of his country poland.
  • slur = अस्पष्ट उच्चारण

    • Usage: He continued to slur his words.
  • slur = अस्पष्ट आवाज़

    • Usage: He continued to speak in a slur.

Slur Meaning in Detail

  • slur (noun) = (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato

    Synonyms: slur

  • slur (noun) = a disparaging remark

    Synonyms: aspersion, slur

    • Usage: in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion
    • Usage: it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility
  • slur (noun) = a blemish made by dirt

    Synonyms: smudge, spot, blot, daub, smear, smirch, slur

    • Usage: he had a smudge on his cheek
  • slur (verb) = play smoothly or legato

    Synonyms: slur

    • Usage: the pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata
  • slur (verb) = speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur

    Synonyms: slur

    • Usage: your comments are slurring your co-workers
  • slur (verb) = utter indistinctly

    Synonyms: slur

  • slur (verb) = become vague or indistinct

    Synonyms: blur, dim, slur

    • Usage: The distinction between the two theories blurred
  • Other words to learn

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