Smitten meaning in Hindi

Smitten is a english word.

Smitten Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • smitten = प्यार में डूबा

    • Usage: Earlier they quarelled but now they are completely smitten with each other.

Smitten Meaning in Detail

  • smitten (verb) = inflict a heavy blow on, with the hand, a tool, or a weapon

    Synonyms: smite

  • smitten (verb) = affect suddenly with deep feeling

    Synonyms: smite

    • Usage: He was smitten with love for this young girl
  • smitten (verb) = cause physical pain or suffering in

    Synonyms: afflict, smite

    • Usage: afflict with the plague
  • smitten (adj) = (used in combination) affected by something overwhelming

    Synonyms: smitten, stricken, struck

    • Usage: conscience-smitten
    • Usage: awe-struck
  • smitten (adj) = marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness

    Synonyms: enamored, infatuated, in_love, potty, smitten, soft_on, taken_with

    • Usage: gaga over the rock group's new album
    • Usage: he was infatuated with her
  • Other words to learn

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