Soap meaning in Hindi

Soap is a english word.

Soap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • soap = साबुन

    • Usage: Every one in a family should have a separate soap.
  • soap = साबुन लगाना

    • Usage: Ram soaped his hand when a insect touch the hand.

Soap Meaning in Detail

  • soap (noun) = a cleansing agent made from the salts of vegetable or animal fats

    Synonyms: soap

  • soap (noun) = money offered as a bribe

    Synonyms: soap

  • soap (noun) = street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate

    Synonyms: soap, scoop, max, liquid_ecstasy, grievous_bodily_harm, goop, Georgia_home_boy, easy_lay

  • soap (verb) = rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning

    Synonyms: soap, lather

  • Other words to learn

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