Spy meaning in Hindi

Spy is a english word.

Spy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • spy = जासूस/गुप्तचर

    • Usage: She was a German spy during world war II.
  • spy = जासूसी करना

    • Usage: He was hired to spy on the president.
  • spy = ध्यान रखना

    • Usage: I spied on the old man walking down the street.

Spy Meaning in Detail

  • spy (noun) = (military) a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors

    Synonyms: spy, undercover_agent

  • spy (noun) = a secret watcher; someone who secretly watches other people

    Synonyms: spy

    • Usage: my spies tell me that you had a good time last night
  • spy (verb) = catch sight of

    Synonyms: descry, spot, espy, spy

  • spy (verb) = watch, observe, or inquire secretly

    Synonyms: spy, stag, snoop, sleuth

  • spy (verb) = catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes

    Synonyms: spy, sight

    • Usage: he caught sight of the king's men coming over the ridge
  • spy (verb) = secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage

    Synonyms: spy

    • Usage: spy for the Russians
  • Other words to learn

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