Starter meaning in Hindi

Starter is a english word.

Starter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • starter = दौड़ में भाग लेने वाला व्यक्ति/घोड़ा आदि

    • Usage: Out of all the starters only four could reach their destination.
  • starter = शुरू करने वाला

    • Usage: The starter gave the signal to the participants.
  • starter = प्रवर्तक{यंत्र}

    • Usage: A tube cannot light without a starter.

Starter Meaning in Detail

  • starter (noun) = an electric motor for starting an engine

    Synonyms: starter, starter_motor, starting_motor

  • starter (noun) = a contestant in a team sport who is in the game at the beginning

    Synonyms: starter

  • starter (noun) = the official who signals the beginning of a race or competition

    Synonyms: starter, dispatcher

  • starter (noun) = any new participant in some activity

    Synonyms: newcomer, fledgling, fledgeling, starter, neophyte, freshman, newbie, entrant

  • starter (noun) = food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)

    Synonyms: appetizer, appetiser, starter

  • starter (noun) = a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle

    Synonyms: crank, starter

  • starter (noun) = a culture containing yeast or bacteria that is used to start the process of fermentation or souring in making butter or cheese or dough

    Synonyms: starter

    • Usage: to make sourdough you need a starter
  • Other words to learn

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