Startled meaning in Hindi

Startled is a english word.

Startled Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • startled = चौंका हुआ

    • Usage: The child was so startled that he could not move.

Startled Meaning in Detail

  • startled (verb) = to stimulate to action

    Synonyms: startle, galvanize, galvanise

    • Usage: ..startled him awake
    • Usage: galvanized into action
  • startled (verb) = move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm

    Synonyms: startle, jump, start

    • Usage: She startled when I walked into the room
  • startled (adj) = excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement

    Synonyms: startled

    • Usage: students startled by the teacher's quiet return
    • Usage: the sudden fluttering of the startled pigeons
    • Usage: her startled expression
  • Other words to learn

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