Stirring meaning in Hindi

Stirring is a english word.

Stirring Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stirring = सदमा पहुँचानेवाला

    • Usage: The story of the beggar was quite stirring.

Stirring Meaning in Detail

  • stirring (noun) = agitating a liquid with an implement

    Synonyms: stirring

    • Usage: constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan
  • stirring (noun) = arousing to a particular emotion or action

    Synonyms: inspiration, stirring

  • stirring (verb) = move an implement through

    Synonyms: stir

    • Usage: stir the soup
    • Usage: stir my drink
    • Usage: stir the soil
  • stirring (verb) = move very slightly

    Synonyms: stir, shift, budge, agitate

    • Usage: He shifted in his seat
  • stirring (verb) = stir feelings in

    Synonyms: stimulate, excite, stir

    • Usage: stimulate my appetite
    • Usage: excite the audience
    • Usage: stir emotions
  • stirring (verb) = stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

    Synonyms: stimulate, shake, shake_up, excite, stir

    • Usage: These stories shook the community
    • Usage: the civil war shook the country
  • stirring (verb) = affect emotionally

    Synonyms: touch, stir

    • Usage: A stirring movie
    • Usage: I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy
  • stirring (verb) = summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

    Synonyms: raise, conjure, conjure_up, invoke, evoke, stir, call_down, arouse, bring_up, put_forward, call_forth

    • Usage: raise the specter of unemployment
    • Usage: he conjured wild birds in the air
    • Usage: call down the spirits from the mountain
  • stirring (verb) = to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir"

    Synonyms: arouse, stir

  • stirring (verb) = mix or add by stirring

    Synonyms: stir

    • Usage: Stir nuts into the dough
  • stirring (adj) = capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement

    Synonyms: rousing, stirring

    • Usage: a rousing sermon
    • Usage: stirring events such as wars and rescues
  • stirring (adj) = exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions

    Synonyms: stirring, soul-stirring

    • Usage: a stirring speech
  • Other words to learn

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