Stocking meaning in Hindi

Stocking is a english word.

Stocking Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stocking = मोजा

    • Usage: A pair of stockings when worn in winter prevents you from extreme cold.

Stocking Meaning in Detail

  • stocking (noun) = close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural)

    Synonyms: stocking

  • stocking (noun) = the activity of supplying a stock of something

    Synonyms: stocking

    • Usage: he supervised the stocking of the stream with trout
  • stocking (verb) = have on hand

    Synonyms: stock, carry, stockpile

    • Usage: Do you carry kerosene heaters?
  • stocking (verb) = equip with a stock

    Synonyms: stock

    • Usage: stock a rifle
  • stocking (verb) = supply with fish

    Synonyms: stock

    • Usage: stock a lake
  • stocking (verb) = supply with livestock

    Synonyms: stock

    • Usage: stock a farm
  • stocking (verb) = amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use

    Synonyms: stock, buy_in, stock_up

    • Usage: let's stock coffee as long as prices are low
  • stocking (verb) = provide or furnish with a stock of something

    Synonyms: stock

    • Usage: stock the larder with meat
  • stocking (verb) = put forth and grow sprouts or shoots

    Synonyms: sprout, stock

    • Usage: the plant sprouted early this year
  • Other words to learn

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