Stretcher meaning in Hindi

Stretcher is a english word.

Stretcher Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stretcher = डोला/तख्ता

    • Usage: Patients are carried on stretcher.

Stretcher Meaning in Detail

  • stretcher (noun) = a wooden framework on which canvas is stretched and fixed for oil painting

    Synonyms: stretcher

  • stretcher (noun) = a mechanical device used to make something larger (as shoes or gloves) by stretching it

    Synonyms: stretcher

  • stretcher (noun) = a litter for transporting people who are ill or wounded or dead; usually consists of a sheet of canvas stretched between two poles

    Synonyms: stretcher

  • stretcher (noun) = a stone that forms the top of wall or building

    Synonyms: capstone, copestone, coping_stone, stretcher

  • Other words to learn

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