Stride meaning in Hindi

Stride is a english word.

Stride Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stride = लंबे कदम रखना

    • Usage: Ram strode towards the class when he saw the principal coming.
  • stride = लाँघना

    • Usage: Girls should not stride their limits.
  • stride = लंबे कदम

    • Usage: With each stride he came closer to success.
    • Usage: Great strides have recently been made towards preserving the environment.
  • stride = लंबे डग लेकर चलना

    • Usage: A stride in the morning is good for health.

Stride Meaning in Detail

  • stride (noun) = a step in walking or running

    Synonyms: pace, stride, tread

  • stride (noun) = the distance covered by a step

    Synonyms: footstep, pace, step, stride

    • Usage: he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig
  • stride (noun) = significant progress (especially in the phrase "make strides")

    Synonyms: stride

    • Usage: they made big strides in productivity
  • stride (verb) = walk with long steps

    Synonyms: stride

    • Usage: He strode confidently across the hall
  • stride (verb) = cover or traverse by taking long steps

    Synonyms: stride

    • Usage: She strode several miles towards the woods
  • Other words to learn

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