Stumble meaning in Hindi

Stumble is a english word.

Stumble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stumble = ठोकर खाना या लगना

    • Usage: I stumbled over a tree root.
  • stumble = गिरना

    • Usage: He stumble from the ladder.
  • stumble = भूल करना

    • Usage: She stumbled but then continued.

Stumble Meaning in Detail

  • stumble (noun) = an unsteady uneven gait

    Synonyms: lurch, stumble, stagger

  • stumble (noun) = an unintentional but embarrassing blunder

    Synonyms: trip, trip-up, stumble, misstep

    • Usage: he recited the whole poem without a single trip
    • Usage: he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later
    • Usage: confusion caused his unfortunate misstep
  • stumble (verb) = walk unsteadily

    Synonyms: stumble, falter, bumble

    • Usage: The drunk man stumbled about
  • stumble (verb) = miss a step and fall or nearly fall

    Synonyms: stumble, trip

    • Usage: She stumbled over the tree root
  • stumble (verb) = encounter by chance

    Synonyms: stumble, hit

    • Usage: I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant
  • stumble (verb) = make an error

    Synonyms: stumble, slip_up, trip_up

    • Usage: She slipped up and revealed the name
  • Other words to learn

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