Tangle meaning in Hindi

Tangle is a english word.

Tangle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tangle = उलझन

    • Usage: His personal matters are in a tangle.
    • Usage: They carved their way through the tangle of vines.
  • tangle = उलझ जाना

    • Usage: The cord was tangled .
    • Usage: The rope got tangled up with the wire.
  • tangle = उलझाना

    • Usage: He tangled the wire in the bushes.

Tangle Meaning in Detail

  • tangle (noun) = a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven

    Synonyms: tangle

    • Usage: they carved their way through the tangle of vines
  • tangle (noun) = something jumbled or confused

    Synonyms: tangle, snarl, maze

    • Usage: a tangle of government regulations
  • tangle (verb) = force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action

    Synonyms: embroil, tangle, sweep, sweep_up, drag, drag_in

    • Usage: They were swept up by the events
    • Usage: don't drag me into this business
  • tangle (verb) = tangle or complicate

    Synonyms: ravel, tangle, knot

    • Usage: a ravelled story
  • tangle (verb) = disarrange or rumple; dishevel

    Synonyms: tousle, dishevel, tangle

    • Usage: The strong wind tousled my hair
  • tangle (verb) = twist together or entwine into a confusing mass

    Synonyms: entangle, tangle, mat, snarl

    • Usage: The child entangled the cord
  • Other words to learn

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