Teller meaning in Hindi

Teller is a english word.

Teller Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • teller = गणक

    • Usage: The man is standing near the teller in the bank.

Teller Meaning in Detail

  • teller (noun) = United States physicist (born in Hungary) who worked on the first atom bomb and the first hydrogen bomb (1908-2003)

    Synonyms: Teller, Edward_Teller

  • teller (noun) = an official appointed to count the votes (especially in legislative assembly)

    Synonyms: teller, vote_counter

  • teller (noun) = an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money

    Synonyms: teller, cashier, bank_clerk

  • teller (noun) = someone who tells a story

    Synonyms: narrator, storyteller, teller

  • Other words to learn

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