Tension meaning in Hindi

Tension is a english word.

Tension Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tension = तनाव

    • Usage: There was tension in the area after the riots. .
  • tension = दबाव

    • Usage: There is tension on my leg muscles.
  • tension = विद्युत् शक्ति

    • Usage: Watch out for tension cables.

Tension Meaning in Detail

  • tension (noun) = (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

    Synonyms: tension, tenseness, stress

    • Usage: he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension
    • Usage: stress is a vasoconstrictor
  • tension (noun) = the physical condition of being stretched or strained

    Synonyms: tension, tensity, tenseness, tautness

    • Usage: it places great tension on the leg muscles
    • Usage: he could feel the tenseness of her body
  • tension (noun) = a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature)

    Synonyms: tension

    • Usage: there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time
    • Usage: there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history
  • tension (noun) = (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body

    Synonyms: tension

    • Usage: the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear
  • tension (noun) = feelings of hostility that are not manifest

    Synonyms: latent_hostility, tension

    • Usage: he could sense her latent hostility to him
    • Usage: the diplomats' first concern was to reduce international tensions
  • tension (noun) = the action of stretching something tight

    Synonyms: tension

    • Usage: tension holds the belt in the pulleys
  • Other words to learn

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