Thrash meaning in Hindi

Thrash is a english word.

Thrash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • thrash = पीट

    • Usage: Tom was thrashed by his master for not earning a penny.
  • thrash = [अनौपचारिक]पराजित करना

    • Usage: Indian team was thrashed by the West Indian team.
  • thrash = संगीत के साथ पार्टी

    • Usage: We will have a thrash after the exams.

Thrash Meaning in Detail

  • thrash (noun) = a swimming kick used while treading water

    Synonyms: thrash

  • thrash (verb) = give a thrashing to; beat hard

    Synonyms: thrash, thresh, lam, flail

  • thrash (verb) = move or stir about violently

    Synonyms: convulse, thresh, thresh_about, thrash, thrash_about, slash, toss, jactitate

    • Usage: The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed
  • thrash (verb) = dance the slam dance

    Synonyms: slam_dance, slam, mosh, thrash

  • thrash (verb) = beat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at all

    Synonyms: thrash

  • thrash (verb) = move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation

    Synonyms: thrash

    • Usage: The system is thrashing again!
  • thrash (verb) = beat the seeds out of a grain

    Synonyms: thrash, thresh

  • thrash (verb) = beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight

    Synonyms: cream, bat, clobber, drub, thrash, lick

    • Usage: We licked the other team on Sunday!
  • Other words to learn

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