Torrent meaning in Hindi

Torrent is a english word.

Torrent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • torrent = धारा{प्रचंड}

  • torrent = तेज़ धारा

    • Usage: The houses were swept away in the torrent.

Torrent Meaning in Detail

  • torrent (noun) = a heavy rain

    Synonyms: downpour, cloudburst, deluge, waterspout, torrent, pelter, soaker

  • torrent (noun) = a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid)

    Synonyms: torrent, violent_stream

    • Usage: the houses were swept away in the torrent
  • torrent (noun) = an overwhelming number or amount

    Synonyms: flood, inundation, deluge, torrent

    • Usage: a flood of requests
    • Usage: a torrent of abuse
  • Other words to learn

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