Toy meaning in Hindi

Toy is a english word.

Toy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • toy = खिलौना

    • Usage: The child ia playing with a toy.
  • toy = मनोरंजन के लिए

    • Usage: His latest toy is a computer.
  • toy = बनावटी वस्तु[खेलने में प्रयोग हो]

    • Usage: He plays with a toy gun.
  • toy = ऊपरी तौर से दिलचस्पी लेना

    • Usage: He has been toying with the idea of starting a new venture.
  • toy = टूँगना

    • Usage: She was toying with her chocolate.

Toy Meaning in Detail

  • toy (noun) = an artifact designed to be played with

    Synonyms: plaything, toy

  • toy (noun) = a nonfunctional replica of something else (frequently used as a modifier)

    Synonyms: toy

    • Usage: a toy stove
  • toy (noun) = a device regarded as providing amusement

    Synonyms: toy

    • Usage: private airplanes are a rich man's toy
  • toy (noun) = a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size

    Synonyms: miniature, toy

  • toy (noun) = any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets

    Synonyms: toy_dog, toy

  • toy (verb) = behave carelessly or indifferently

    Synonyms: dally, toy, play, flirt

    • Usage: Play about with a young girl's affection
  • toy (verb) = manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination

    Synonyms: toy, fiddle, diddle, play

    • Usage: She played nervously with her wedding ring
    • Usage: Don't fiddle with the screws
    • Usage: He played with the idea of running for the Senate
  • toy (verb) = engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously

    Synonyms: play, toy

    • Usage: They played games on their opponents
    • Usage: play the stock market
    • Usage: play with her feelings
    • Usage: toy with an idea
  • Other words to learn

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