Transpire meaning in Hindi

Transpire is a english word.

Transpire Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • transpire = पता चलना

    • Usage: It transpired later that he never conveyed the message to her.
  • transpire = घटित होना

    • Usage: Let me know what transpires in the meeting.

Transpire Meaning in Detail

  • transpire (verb) = pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas

    Synonyms: transpire, transpirate

  • transpire (verb) = exude water vapor

    Synonyms: transpire

    • Usage: plants transpire
  • transpire (verb) = come to light; become known

    Synonyms: transpire

    • Usage: It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany
  • transpire (verb) = come about, happen, or occur

    Synonyms: transpire

    • Usage: Several important events transpired last week
  • transpire (verb) = give off (water) through the skin

    Synonyms: transpire

  • Other words to learn

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