Trap meaning in Hindi

Trap is a english word.

Trap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • trap = घात

    • Usage: The rat was caught in a trap.
  • trap = जाल

    • Usage: The mouse was caught in the trap.
  • trap = फँस जाना

    • Usage: He was trapped inside when the fire broke out.
  • trap = जाल लगाना

    • Usage: The hunter hid behind the bushes to trap the antelope.

Trap Meaning in Detail

  • trap (noun) = a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned

    Synonyms: trap

  • trap (noun) = drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas

    Synonyms: trap

  • trap (noun) = something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares

    Synonyms: trap, snare

    • Usage: the exam was full of trap questions
    • Usage: it was all a snare and delusion
  • trap (noun) = a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters

    Synonyms: trap

  • trap (noun) = the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

    Synonyms: ambush, ambuscade, lying_in_wait, trap

  • trap (noun) = informal terms for the mouth

    Synonyms: trap, cakehole, hole, maw, yap, gob

  • trap (noun) = a light two-wheeled carriage

    Synonyms: trap

  • trap (noun) = a hazard on a golf course

    Synonyms: bunker, sand_trap, trap

  • trap (verb) = place in a confining or embarrassing position

    Synonyms: trap, pin_down

    • Usage: He was trapped in a difficult situation
  • trap (verb) = catch in or as if in a trap

    Synonyms: trap, entrap, snare, ensnare, trammel

    • Usage: The men trap foxes
  • trap (verb) = hold or catch as if in a trap

    Synonyms: trap

    • Usage: The gaps between the teeth trap food particles
  • trap (verb) = to hold fast or prevent from moving

    Synonyms: trap, pin, immobilize, immobilise

    • Usage: The child was pinned under the fallen tree
  • Other words to learn

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