Tremble meaning in Hindi

Tremble is a english word.

Tremble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tremble = काँपना

    • Usage: Her voice trembled with fear when she got the news.
  • tremble = थरथराना

    • Usage: Leaves swayed and trembled by the cool breeze .
  • tremble = कम्पन

    • Usage: She showed a tremble in her face.

Tremble Meaning in Detail

  • tremble (noun) = a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement

    Synonyms: tremble, shiver, shake

  • tremble (verb) = move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sideways

    Synonyms: tremble

    • Usage: His hands were trembling when he signed the document
  • Other words to learn

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