Tropic meaning in Hindi

Tropic is a english word.

Tropic Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tropic = उष्णकटिबन्ध

    • Usage: The summer in the tropics can be very hot.
  • tropic = उष्णकटिबंधी

    • Usage: The flora and fauna of the tropics are different from the rest of the world.

Tropic Meaning in Detail

  • tropic (noun) = either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone or tropics

    Synonyms: tropic

  • tropic (adj) = relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator)

    Synonyms: tropical, tropic

    • Usage: tropical islands
    • Usage: tropical fruit
  • tropic (adj) = of weather or climate; hot and humid as in the tropics

    Synonyms: tropical, tropic

    • Usage: tropical weather
  • Other words to learn

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