Trot meaning in Hindi

Trot is a english word.

Trot Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • trot = दुलकी चलना

    • Usage: He trotted in the field.
  • trot = छोटे कदम रखकर दौडना

    • Usage: The kid was trotting along beside his mother.
  • trot = दुलकन

    • Usage: Go at a steady trot.

Trot Meaning in Detail

  • trot (noun) = a slow pace of running

    Synonyms: jog, trot, lope

  • trot (noun) = radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution

    Synonyms: Trotskyite, Trotskyist, Trot

  • trot (noun) = a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

    Synonyms: pony, trot, crib

  • trot (noun) = a gait faster than a walk; diagonally opposite legs strike the ground together

    Synonyms: trot

  • trot (verb) = run at a moderately swift pace

    Synonyms: trot, jog, clip

  • trot (verb) = ride at a trot

    Synonyms: trot

  • trot (verb) = cause to trot

    Synonyms: trot

    • Usage: She trotted the horse home
  • Other words to learn

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