Tumbleweed meaning in Hindi

Tumbleweed is a english word.

Tumbleweed Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tumbleweed = काँटेदार झाड़ी{पूर्व अमरीका के रेगिस्तान में उत्पन्न होने वाला एक प्रकार का झाड}

    • Usage: These weeds will grow like tumbleweeds.

Tumbleweed Meaning in Detail

  • tumbleweed (noun) = any plant that breaks away from its roots in autumn and is driven by the wind as a light rolling mass

    Synonyms: tumbleweed

  • tumbleweed (noun) = prickly bushy Eurasian plant; a troublesome weed in central and western United States

    Synonyms: Russian_thistle, Russian_tumbleweed, Russian_cactus, tumbleweed, Salsola_kali_tenuifolia

  • tumbleweed (noun) = bushy annual weed of central North America having greenish flowers and winged seeds

    Synonyms: winged_pigweed, tumbleweed, Cycloloma_atriplicifolium

  • tumbleweed (noun) = bushy plant of western United States

    Synonyms: tumbleweed, Amaranthus_albus, Amaranthus_graecizans

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