Tusk meaning in Hindi

Tusk is a english word.

Tusk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tusk = हाथी या सूअर का दाँत

    • Usage: Elephants are hunted for their tusks since it fetches high prices.

Tusk Meaning in Detail

  • tusk (noun) = a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses

    Synonyms: ivory, tusk

  • tusk (noun) = a long pointed tooth specialized for fighting or digging; especially in an elephant or walrus or hog

    Synonyms: tusk

  • tusk (verb) = stab or pierce with a horn or tusk

    Synonyms: horn, tusk

    • Usage: the rhino horned the explorer
  • tusk (verb) = remove the tusks of animals

    Synonyms: tusk, detusk

    • Usage: tusk an elephant
  • Other words to learn

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