Tweet meaning in Hindi

Tweet is a english word.

Tweet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tweet = चिडिया की चीं चीं आवाज

    • Usage: We heard the 'tweet tweet' of the birds in the woods.

Tweet Meaning in Detail

  • tweet (noun) = a weak chirping sound as of a small bird

    Synonyms: tweet

  • tweet (verb) = make a weak, chirping sound

    Synonyms: tweet, twirp

    • Usage: the small bird was tweeting in the tree
  • tweet (verb) = squeeze tightly between the fingers

    Synonyms: pinch, squeeze, twinge, tweet, nip, twitch

    • Usage: He pinched her behind
    • Usage: She squeezed the bottle
  • Other words to learn

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