Unbroken meaning in Hindi

Unbroken is a english word.

Unbroken Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unbroken = अनटूटा

    • Usage: The cars passed in an unbroken procession.

Unbroken Meaning in Detail

  • unbroken (adj) = marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence

    Synonyms: unbroken

    • Usage: cars in an unbroken procession
    • Usage: the unbroken quiet of the afternoon
  • unbroken (adj) = not subdued or trained for service or use

    Synonyms: unbroken

    • Usage: unbroken colts
  • unbroken (adj) = (of farmland) not plowed

    Synonyms: unplowed, unploughed, unbroken

    • Usage: unplowed fields
    • Usage: unbroken land
  • unbroken (adj) = (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded

    Synonyms: unbroken, kept

    • Usage: unbroken promises
    • Usage: promises kept
  • unbroken (adj) = not broken; whole and intact; in one piece

    Synonyms: unbroken

    • Usage: fortunately the other lens is unbroken
  • Other words to learn

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