Unification meaning in Hindi

Unification is a english word.

Unification Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unification = एक हो जाना

    • Usage: The unification of Germany was an historical event.

Unification Meaning in Detail

  • unification (noun) = an occurrence that involves the production of a union

    Synonyms: fusion, merger, unification

  • unification (noun) = the state of being joined or united or linked

    Synonyms: union, unification

    • Usage: there is strength in union
  • unification (noun) = the act of making or becoming a single unit

    Synonyms: union, unification, uniting, conjugation, jointure

    • Usage: the union of opposing factions
    • Usage: he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays
  • Other words to learn

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