Unruly meaning in Hindi

Unruly is a english word.

Unruly Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unruly = बेलगाम

    • Usage: Unruly teenagers are a nuisance.

Unruly Meaning in Detail

  • unruly (adj) = noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

    Synonyms: boisterous, rambunctious, robustious, rumbustious, unruly

    • Usage: a boisterous crowd
    • Usage: a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
    • Usage: a robustious group of teenagers
    • Usage: beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings
    • Usage: an unruly class
  • unruly (adj) = unwilling to submit to authority

    Synonyms: disobedient, unruly

    • Usage: unruly teenagers
  • unruly (adj) = of persons

    Synonyms: indocile, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unruly

    • Usage: the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly
  • Other words to learn

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