Utmost meaning in Hindi

Utmost is a english word.

Utmost Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • utmost = अधिकतम/परिमाण/पराकाष्ठा

    • Usage: He was pushed to the utmost limits of endurance.
  • utmost = अत्यन्त/निपट/परम

    • Usage: He tried his utmost to win the match.

Utmost Meaning in Detail

  • utmost (noun) = the greatest possible degree

    Synonyms: utmost, uttermost, maximum, level_best

    • Usage: he tried his utmost
  • utmost (adj) = of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity

    Synonyms: extreme, utmost, uttermost

    • Usage: extreme cold
    • Usage: extreme caution
    • Usage: extreme pleasure
    • Usage: utmost contempt
    • Usage: to the utmost degree
    • Usage: in the uttermost distress
  • utmost (adj) = highest in extent or degree

    Synonyms: last, utmost

    • Usage: to the last measure of human endurance
    • Usage: whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was...to be determined individually
  • utmost (adj) = (comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time or order

    Synonyms: farthermost, farthest, furthermost, furthest, utmost, uttermost

    • Usage: had traveled to the farthest frontier
    • Usage: don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree
    • Usage: explored the furthest reaches of space
    • Usage: the utmost tip of the peninsula
  • Other words to learn

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