Voodoo meaning in Hindi

Voodoo is a english word.

Voodoo Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • voodoo = तन्त्र-मन्त्र

    • Usage: Voodoo is practised in some places

Voodoo Meaning in Detail

  • voodoo (noun) = a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

    Synonyms: juju, voodoo, hoodoo, fetish, fetich

  • voodoo (noun) = (Haiti) followers of a religion that involves witchcraft and animistic deities

    Synonyms: voodoo

  • voodoo (noun) = a religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries (especially Haiti); involves witchcraft and animistic deities

    Synonyms: voodoo, vodoun, voodooism, hoodooism

  • voodoo (verb) = bewitch by or as if by a voodoo

    Synonyms: voodoo

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