Whatever meaning in Hindi

Whatever is a english word.

Whatever Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • whatever = जो कुछ भी

    • Usage: You can eat whatever you like.

Whatever Meaning in Detail

  • whatever (adj) = one or some or every or all without specification

    Synonyms: any, whatever, whatsoever

    • Usage: give me any peaches you don't want
    • Usage: not any milk is left
    • Usage: any child would know that
    • Usage: pick any card
    • Usage: any day now
    • Usage: cars can be rented at almost any airport
    • Usage: at twilight or any other time
    • Usage: beyond any doubt
    • Usage: need any help we can get
    • Usage: give me whatever peaches you don't want
    • Usage: no milk whatsoever is left
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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