Wisdom meaning in Hindi

Wisdom is a english word.

Wisdom Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • wisdom = ज्ञान

    • Usage: Many saints are men of wisdom.

Wisdom Meaning in Detail

  • wisdom (noun) = accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment

    Synonyms: wisdom

  • wisdom (noun) = the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight

    Synonyms: wisdom, wiseness

  • wisdom (noun) = ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight

    Synonyms: wisdom, sapience

  • wisdom (noun) = the quality of being prudent and sensible

    Synonyms: wisdom, wiseness, soundness

  • wisdom (noun) = an Apocryphal book consisting mainly of a meditation on wisdom; although ascribed to Solomon it was probably written in the first century BC

    Synonyms: Wisdom_of_Solomon, Wisdom

  • Other words to learn

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