VHF meaning in Hindi

VHF is a english word.

VHF Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • VHF = अति उच्च तीव्रता

    • Usage: It is a very high frequency radio

VHF Meaning in Detail

  • VHF (noun) = a group of illnesses caused by a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area); fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage

    Synonyms: hemorrhagic_fever, haemorrhagic_fever, viral_hemorrhagic_fever, viral_haemorrhagic_fever, VHF

  • VHF (noun) = 30 to 300 megahertz

    Synonyms: very_high_frequency, VHF

  • Other words to learn

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