Abort meaning in Hindi

Abort is a english word.

Abort Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • abort = गर्भपात होना

    • Usage: In the age group of 1.to 20 more then half of all pregnancies are aborted.
  • abort = छोड़ देना{अधूरा}

    • Usage: Peace talks had to be aborted.

Abort Meaning in Detail

  • abort (noun) = the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed

    Synonyms: abort

    • Usage: I wasted a year of my life working on an abort
    • Usage: he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area
  • abort (verb) = terminate before completion

    Synonyms: abort

    • Usage: abort the mission
    • Usage: abort the process running on my computer
  • abort (verb) = cease development, die, and be aborted

    Synonyms: abort

    • Usage: an aborting fetus
  • abort (verb) = terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion

    Synonyms: abort

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