Accidentally meaning in Hindi

Accidentally is a english word.

Accidentally Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • accidentally = संयोगवश

    • Usage: After many years,I accidently met my classmate.

Accidentally Meaning in Detail

  • accidentally (adv) = without advance planning

    Synonyms: by_chance, accidentally, circumstantially, unexpectedly

    • Usage: they met accidentally
  • accidentally (adv) = of a minor or subordinate nature

    Synonyms: incidentally, accidentally

    • Usage: these magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models
  • accidentally (adv) = without intention; in an unintentional manner

    Synonyms: unintentionally, accidentally

    • Usage: she hit him unintentionally
  • Other words to learn

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